Please follow @roadsidelinenarts on Instagram for event schedules and generally entertaining stuff.

Take care of yourself and each other.

Roadside Linen Arts


This is my "About Me" page. It should give you visitors the most important facts you need to know about me.

So there you have it!

No. Seriously, just know that I want you to be happy when you purchase my art. For the first 6 years of making laser cut art, I sold only at "live" events (art shows, punk rock flea markets, cons...). I did this promarily because I knew that if you held one of my pieces in your hands and decided to buy it, you weren't going to be disappointed. How can I be sure of the same response if you purchase based on a few digital photos? Along came the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and selling online became the only way to share my art. 

Which brings us to where you are now.

As from the beginning of Roadside Linen Arts, a portion of every sale is donated to a group of people working to make the world a better place. I am a strong proponent of anti-racism, LGBTQ equality, animal protection and basic human decency.

Please follow @roadsidelinenarts on Instagram for previews of new art and other announcements.

Stay safe. Stay sane. Love one another.